We’re putting Humpty Dumpty
together again!

If you have lived in or around Hayes in the last 20 to 30 years, then you will probably remember the quaint little Toy Shop at the bottom of Station Approach, Humpty Dumpty, and the joy that it brought to children (and adults) for many years.
Lots of families, including my own, have fond memories of the small Toy Shop with cosy sections for girls’, boys’ and preschool games, toys and models stacked floor to ceiling on the right as you walked in and the open window like arrangement on the left where the shop keeper would stand at his till, surrounded by train tracks and carriages behind. I particularly remember model cars and metal soldiers in the glass cabinet towards the back.
My family and I would love to bring the best of the shop back to Hayes, and where we can make it even better! If you have ever seen the film Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium then you will have some idea of what we would love to achieve (within the bounds of reality of course).
Initially we have launched the web site that you are on now to see what reaction we receive.
We will be starting with a variety of good quality toys from today but are keen to bring back as many retro and nostalgic toys as we can from the 80s, 90s and “naughties”!
All we need now is all the King’s Horse’s and all the King’s men (and a little help from you) and we’ll be putting Humpty Dumpty together again!
Visit us online so we can get back to the High Street soon!